Monday, July 29, 2024

What's next?

Greetings friends and family! We're getting excited about our newest adventures this fall! Think lots of pasta and pizza with a few gyros tossed in! 🤔

As we finalize our plans, Wendy bear and Penelope panda asked to share something they have written. Since they have acquired a fan base, I couldn't say no. 😄 ENJOY!

In a land of adventure, where roads twist and bend, 
Lived Wendy and Penelope, best bears and good friends.
They traveled together in a car named Rerun, 
A car full of magic, always ready for fun!

Now Wendy, the elder, was cultured and wise, 
With a love for fine art and a twinkle in her eyes. 
She adored the great lighthouses, standing so tall, 
And found joy in the gardens where blooms always call.

To Yellowstone's geysers and Yosemite's peaks, 
She'd marvel and wander, while Penelope squeaks. 
The Corning Glass Museum and Storm King’s grand art, 
Were just a few places Wendy held close to her heart.

Penelope, on the other paw, was full of delight, 
A panda with energy that soared to great heights. 
She danced through the day and she sang through the night,
With sweet treats and giggles, her spirit took flight.

From Voodoo Doughnuts to Hershey's chocolatey goo, Penelope’s sweet tooth was always in view. 
She loved Cadillac Ranch’s spray-painted fun,
And Jamestown’s museum with old TV reruns.

On hikes up Pikes Peak and through White Sands so bright, She’d frolic and frolic from morning till night. 
While Wendy preferred jazz and the sounds of the horn,
Penelope rocked out with a beat that was born.

To Cleveland’s great Rock Hall and Memphis’ cool vibe, 
Penelope would dance and delight in the jive. 
With Rerun as their trusty, and fabulous car, 
They’d explore every corner, near and far.

Wendy’s grace shone at Longwood’s grand splendor,
While Penelope’s laughter would always remember.
From Seattle’s Chihuly to New Orleans’ sweet tunes, 
Their adventures were filled with all sorts of boons.

So if you see a car, with two bears on the go, 
Just follow Rerun and see where they’ll show. 
For Wendy and Penelope, with hearts full of cheer, 
Will take you on journeys that bring far-off places near!

Join us in September! CIAO!